Over 24,000 rhododendrons, companion plants … in 11 hectares (27 acres) … surrounded by natural wildlife – echidna, platypus, diverse bird life – garden for all seasons !
Walking paths winding through … lakes … waterfalls … gazebos … bridges … leading from area to area … benches to sit, appreciate; peace and quietude …
Rich volcanic soil in amphitheatre; gently sloping towards stepped basin; natural springs form series of lakes …
Creators – Hilary O’Rourke, landowner, rhododendron breeder … garden enthusiasts, Noel Sullivan, Bob Malone … developed and created this concept garden in 1981.
Today, Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden (EVRG) is an independent, non-profit organisation, run by volunteer members – private garden that has received significant international acclaim in recent years.
Due to seasonal variations, you can usually see large-leafed rhododendron flowers between August, September ,,, main flowering peaks in mid-October, finishing in December. Vireya rhododendron flower all year; whilst spectacular autumn colours – sight to behold in April – May.
About Rhododendron
Rhododendron; very large genus – about 1,024 species of woody plants in the heath family; evergreen or deciduous. Most species are native to eastern Asia, Himalayan region; smaller numbers occur elsewhere in Asia, North America, Europe and Australia.
Rhododendron is a shrub, small tree with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers; typically, with large leaves, widely grown as an ornamental. Underside leaves of some species are covered with scales (lepidote) or hairs (indumentum). Alpine species have small flowers, small leaves; tropical species such as Vireya often grow as epiphytes (plant-like organism that grows on surface of another plant).
Rhododendrons are frequently classified based on presence or absence of scales on abaxial (lower) leaf surface (lepidote or elepidote). These scales, unique to subgenus Rhododendron, are modified hairs consisting of a polygonal scale attached by a stalk.
Interesting Facts
Do you know that Rhododendron comes from Greek word meaning rose tree? Interesting !
Do you also know that some see Rhododendron as harbinger of adversity to come; others see them as sign of elegance, wealth, passion and abundance …
Rhododendron leaves, if ingested is harmful to humans and animals – hence caution and danger … but is also meant to reconcile, heal, mend broken life experiences, protect from negativity.
Golden Dream
It is the dream of EVRG to become a haven, refuge, adventureland, woodland delight, kaleidoscope of seasonal colours year round. Bird paradise, native habitat for wild ducks, native hens, grebes, multiple bird species, platypus, echidna, select reptile species. Native flora also include tree and fern species.
Considered as “a plant museum”, this garden is a repository for many species of genus rhododendron that are or may be endangered due to human activities.
EVRG Activities
The Garden, created by members of Emu Valley Rhododendron Society in 1981 is now owned by members of Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Inc. It is entirely due to members’ and volunteers’ efforts that The Garden has achieved this level of development that we enjoy today.
As a voluntary organisation, membership is vital to creating a unique garden of international interest and ensure that Garden is further developed and maintained for future generations.
Multiple programs such as “Adopt-A-Tree” … volunteer as gatekeeper … exercise your green thumbs and work on various garden activities … expand your cooking skills in tearoom duties are available – always something for anyone interested !
EVRG also caters for special events such as weddings, celebrations, corporate functions.
Forest Therapy Walk (Shinrin Yoku)
On occasion, Shinrin Yoku or Forest Bathing, original Japanese health practice for stress reduction, improved mental health, immune function activities are organised in The Garden – guided activities include stretching, mindfulness and tea ceremony.
Enquire for information and upcoming walks.
Where is it
Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden (EVRG) is located in beautiful Tasmania; at 55 Breffny Road, Romaine, Tasmania. (PO Box U33, Upper Burnie, Tasmania 7320).
Phone: 03 6433 1805 (10 am – 2 pm)
Email: Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden
There is always something special about beautiful gardens – it relaxes, wash away stressful thoughts, cleanse the soul … offering peace and tranquillity to visitors. Great opportunity to see another beautifully manicured out garden.
Most welcoming experience !